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When did BC change the Autobet behavior to screw over Players?



How long ago did BC change the autobet behavior to instead of stopping when there wasn't enough money to place the next bet (this is the has been the behavior for years the entire time i have been playing in fact), to the scammy behavior they have now, which is instead of stopping so you can make an informed decision it will just go ahead and bet everything you have left?  This is fucked behavior and its fairly new.  It doesn't make sense that if the autobet should be trying to plays a 90$ bet, but only has 30$, that it will just go ahead and place the 30$ instead.  That is them deciding on my bet size for me and not it doing as i had dictated.  I mean they have already taken almost all of the reasons to even look in this casino's direction away.  Now they are going to try to scam the little guy out of their last few dollars with this bullshit type of stunt?

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